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Donate & Finances

In order to finance the action we are taking we require a small amount of money to pay for things like this website and other tools. Several very generous people have already contributed to get us going. We would be really grateful for any donations however small. We have set up a PayPal fund-raiser.

In order to be 100% transparent with how we are using this money, all details of income received and expenses will be recorded on an Excel spreadsheet available to download here. It will be frequently updated.

Please note: we are not collecting for donations towards the litigation costs. That will be financed separately.


Bringing legal action against the directors

Telling as many people as possible

Reforming the regulations & law so it can not happen again

Sign-up and join our action if you held shares at the time of administration

Intellectual property, contracts & opportunity

If you have information you wish to share with us. In strict confidence.

We Need Your Support Today!

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